Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 2 organizing my studio

Day two organizing my studio has begun and I am at that point when you feel overwhelmed. There are boxes, trinkets, papers and stamps everywhere I look. I try not to trip over paint, stickers and yarn...  So what I do is pick up an issue of "Cloth Paper and Scissors STUDIO" and I am instantly motivated. 

Today I will finish the labels and shoes boxes, also have 5 empty big nice red boxed I found holding nothing but junk above my washer and dryer. They can hold plenty of "new" junk and be stored away until next time I get the remakeover studio bug :)

 It is hard not to start knitting with the "new" yarn I found in an old bag or use the vintage piano music, the old lace from my Grandmother :) and all the Christmas stamps. I AM going to make some gift tags with those stamps later today as a reward when I have sneezed with dust for a few hours. 

My knee is worse than ever, filled with fluid and painful.... surgery can't come fast enough...

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