I Love my Birthday and look.... someone special send me tulips. They just stood there outside my front door when I came home from work today and they made me smile. I knew who send them before I looked at the card :) THANK YOU guys... Tusen Tack och kramar till er alla :)
I have not opened all the cards that came in the mail, that is a treat I will save for later tonight. They will all end up in my art journal, ripped and torn with legs and wings... My 11 year old daughter drew me a picture...

I had a non fat latte with my husband downtown in the afternoon and a trip to my favorite local ART supply store. Found the 10x30 canvas I have been looking for...have 2 upcoming ART SHOWS and I have something fun in mind.
Tonight my husband is making dinner, the kids cleaned up and my favorite little niece is coming over with her Mom and Dad. She is 3 months old and perfect. In laws and my son with girlfriend, cake and dinner.... all you need on your special day. Some time later for ART JOURNALING ...browsing through all the ART magazines my husband gave me this morning...

Birthday cards from my oldest daughter... these will for sure end up in my ART... Will miss her and her husband tonight but know we will see them soon.
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